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Thursday, December 10, 2009 { 6:25 AM }

HAHAHAHA went to watch NEW MOON with jayme, claudia, jollyn, melanie and nina yesterday! I LOVED IT:) TAYLOR IS SOOOO HOT!! I LOVE HIM TO DEATH!!! HAHAHAHA:)

Ok today I watched this movie about human trafficking. It was very sad n it made me realised how ignorant we all are towards these kind of problems. The show was about how young girls aged from 16 to 20 from parts of Russia and promised a modelling job in USA. But when they got there, they had to work as sex slaves. They had older men coming to pick them and they had to serve up to 30 men per day. It was really sad. One tried to escape and she was brutally beaten up. They also showed children that were kidnapped n sold off by their parents to become child sex slaves. They were injected with heroin and one girl got sick but as they did not want to send her to the doctor, the twisted her neck, killing her instantly:( The girls were aged between 7 to 15! They all looked out for one another. It was good to see how the girls who knew each other for a few days only became like best friends. They would take care of each other and tried to comfort wach other. Friendships really grow very fast there. All the girls cried when they knew their friend was murdered. It was damn scary. At one part there was this woman who was a victim was saved by the police but as soon as she stepped out of the car, she was shot by the human trafficker from a very far distance that could not be seen because the huamn traffickers were scared that she would spill the beans on them. It was very sad and her daughter became a orphan. In the end, the human traffickers did get caught so that was good!

After I watched the show, I felt very sad and useless. Here I am using the computer happily when there are girls my age or younger being raped by multiple men. I felt useless because I can't help them at all:( It was very heartbreaking to watch the show but I'm glad I did. It really showed me that we all have to do something about this.
Human trafficking is the fastest-growing criminal industry in the world, with the total annual revenue for trafficking in persons estimated to be between US$5 billion and $9 billion. Nearly 2.5 million people from 127 countries are being trafficked around the world! It's really sad. Can you imagine if that was you, your sister, your cousin, or your friend? This is really beartbreaking. I hope I will be able to save these girls which means i must learn how to fight well first. I would really want to take up fighting after my O levels because there would be alot of time. SO PLEASE PRAY FOR THESE GIRLS WHO REALLY REALLY NEED YOUR PRAYERS! May GOD watch over them and send an ANGEL to be with them forever and ever.