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Saturday, January 30, 2010 { 8:35 PM }

HEY PEOPLE!! I know I've not update for a very long time! Was busy. HAHA.

Went to see my buddy SARA from Shanghai!! Met her n her mum at the York Hotel with Yin fei at 6+! It was really awkward at first cos we nvr see each other for so long! Anyways we went to NYDC at Wheelock Place! Ate n talked. HAHA. Then her mum paid for us. I felt damn mean, cos i wanted to pay for myself. Her mum is really nice. HAHA. So after dinner went back to their hotel room n talked until my dad came to pick me up at about 10. I REALLY ENJOYED MYSELF! HAHAHAH:D

OMG TODAY WAS DAMN FUN! Went to Sentosa today! Nina's mum sent us there. Met SARA n her mum at underwater world! We then headed off to the Sky Tower! Her mum paid for our tickets, I felt mean again. I kept insisting i paid for myself but she didn't allow! It was kinda fun! After that, we went to the luge and skyride station! I was like trying to hurry to the front so i can pay for the tickets for everyone but then her mum managed to get infront faster all thanks to this stupid woman infront of me! GRURRR !! Omg the skyride and luge was fun! HAHA. We then went to have a drink. Ate ice-cream! YUM! HAHA hailed a taxi to go back to the hotel but the taxi driver was like telling us to go to this indian temple to see a once in a year performance at river valley road there. Wanted to pay for the taxi ride but her mum told the taxi driver not to take my money and he listened! Damnit. The temple was damn crowded. It was my first time in a temple. HAHA went back to the hotel, thanked them and my dad came to pick me up.
I HAD A GREAT TIME TODAY!! But now i must do my homework. Damnit. BYE!