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Friday, April 2, 2010 { 2:45 AM }

Haven been blogging much, was busy & lazy:)
This past few weeks have been bad. I don't think I'll ever be happy again. Life sucks. I hate it. I wish i was still a kid, when life was so carefree & stuff.

My CA1 results are damn bad. I know i dissapointed my parents again. Damnit. I really tried my best. Oh well. I REALLY WANNA MOVE TO AUSTRALIA. I feel I can do better there & I can like start afresh there. It'll be the only thing that will make me happy. Seriously.

I upset my mum today. She wanted to like arrange everything in my bathroom in a new way, but I didn't want her too. I told her I like it the way it is. But she continue to arrange & I told her again. Then she said I'm so grouchy( I don't know how to spell it) & she was like teenagers nowadays. She also said I'm a dissapointment. Like wth la. I felt more depressed again. I know I'm not good in anything so no one needs to tell me. Another reason why i wanna move to Australia. If I move there, i would go to boarding sch, & I won't have to see anyone I don't wanna see again. I'll be damn happy! Well life is just unfair. In times like this, I wished I had a best friend I can tell anything too. Sadly I don't have one. Haha.

Ok skip the sad parts. I went to IMM today! Omg I missed that place like crazy!! The last time I went there was like 4 years ago I think. Good memories. I used to spend every saturday of my childhood days there. Everything changed there, it reminded me of how much things have changed in my life too & how much it sucked. I miss those saturdays when me & my childhood friends played the whole day. It was so fun playing Survivor & Dog & Bone! Iremember security gurads would always scold us but who cares! Hahahaha good times! Sigh. Anyways, I love IMM. My used to be 2nd home:D

Fuck I hate my life.