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August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 April 2010 May 2010 August 2010 January 2011

Monday, May 17, 2010 { 6:36 AM }

Omg fuck today. Today was the worst day of my life. I really feel like killing myself. Idon't see any point in living at all. I cried like crazy today all thanks to the bad results. I failed every paper we saw today. This is the worst exam ever, I've nvr done worse than this before. I feel like my heart was ripped out. I'm damn scared to tell my parents. My eyes are all puffy & red alr. I hav a bad flu & a slight fever now all thanks to crying. I've never cried so much in public before, & when I went home, I locked myself in my room & tore all my papers & cried in the shower. I'm utterly dissapointed with myself. I'm like crying as I'm typing this out. Gosh I really need to control my tears, but it keeps flowing like a river. Damnit. I really hope my parents won't be mad at me. But that's like impossible. I think I'm the worst out of my brothers & I. My younger brother is like going into the IP programme & my older rother is getting straight As in poly. I am really a bad daughter. Ireally hope my parents will forgive me. They are really gonna kill me when they see my report book. In short, no words can decribe how I'm feeling right now:( :(

Fuck I hate my life.

{ 6:17 AM }

Hiyaaaaaa! I'm finally blogging consistently. Haha.
Anyway I went to CG today, like finally I'm beginning to go more often! Im so proud of myself:)
Went to Macs after CG with Clarissa, then Isaac joined us later. Then we started making fun of Clarissa, damn funny la. Isaac called her a bimbo. Haha. He also called me a bimbo but whatever I'm not one! So Clarissa was like whining, hahahaha. I think we were damn loud cos everytime we insult Clarissa, she would whined so loudlyyy. Then Isaac & I kept hi-fiveing cos we both agreed on all the insults we said. Lol. Oh yeah, I saw Sam! Hahahaha.

Friday, May 14, 2010 { 10:46 PM }

I'm very lazy. EXAMS ARE OVER. I've been playing these past few days. Went to watch Iron Man 2 on wednesday:) It was great! I loved it! HAHA.\

It's been a bad week. I fucking hate it. It's a long story. I'm so depressed. sigh. Life is so unfair.Sometimes I wish I was not even brought into this world. I don't really tell anyone how I feel cos I don't think they really care & I'm the type of person that keep things to myself. It's so sad. In short, FUCK EVERYTHING.

Anyway, I've been watching this show about the SARS outbreak in 2003. It's so sad. The doctors risked their lives to save their patients & I really admire all of them. Some of them died & left behind their wives, children & other family members. So I would really like to thank all the doctors who helped those SARS patients. I was really sad when I saw some of the doctors dying. They are really brave & they moved me to tears.May those who passed away rest in peace. THANK YOU ALL DOCTORS OUT THERE. DOCTORS YOU ALL ROCK!!!! Haha.

Fuck I hate my life.